Handmade paper is stronger than many commercially made papers. It contains no chemicals or acid sizings,so it’s gentle on things you might want to mount on it and it lasts longer. Do-it-yourself paper making is a nice complement to making memory books, too! And it’s a great way to recycle scraps. Always be alert when children are using a blender or food processor. You may want to do this part yourself if you are working with very young children. Don’t put soggy paper pulp down the drain or you’ll stop up the sink! Put it in a strainer, get out all the water, and then throw it away. Or you can add it to a compost pile, if you’ve got one.

Project: Paper Making

Level: Medium Age: 5 and up with an adult using the blender or food processor Materials needed: Paper scraps (computer paper and used envelopes work well)

Water Large bowl Blender or food processor (clean it thoroughly after use) Large plastic dishpan Old newspapers Large spoon (wooden, plastic, or metal) Large sponge Mold and a deckle (you might want to buy them at a crafts store, but you can make your own) Water-resistant boards (Formica works well)

Directions: For more interesting paper, you can add bits of colored paper to the blender when you first begin or add bits of confetti, thread, herb flakes, flowers, or grasses to the pulp while it’s in the dishpan. Food coloring added in small amounts while the mixture’s in the blender makes a good coloring method as well. Experiment! Paper making is a great activity to do outdoors. One mother I met online uses a small kiddie pool as her mixing tub-there’s no need to worry about making a mess of the kitchen! For more information, Aunt Annie’s Craft Page (http:// auntannie.com/) is a great Web site that has a clear, detailed section on paper making, plus instructions on how to make your own deckle and mold.