You’ve heard of disappearing ink, but have you heard of magic crayons? Your child is sure to be surprised by her mysterious artwork.Materials needed:· Waxed paper (one sheet per picture)· Water · Black paint · Crayons · A mixing bowl for the paint · A paintbrush What to do: Step One: Color a picture on waxed paper using the crayons. Step Two: Dilute the black paint with a bit of water in the mixing bowl. Step Three: Paint the entire sheet of waxed paper with the diluted black paint. Step Four: Magically, the paint won’t cover the picture you’ve drawn! Step Five: Let the black paint dry and hang your magic picture for friends and family to marvel over! What to do: Step One: Color a picture on waxed paper using the crayons. Step Two: Dilute the black paint with a bit of water in the mixing bowl. Step Three: Paint the entire sheet of waxed paper with the diluted black paint. Step Four: Magically, the paint won’t cover the picture you’ve drawn! Step Five: Let the black paint dry and hang your magic picture for friends and family to marvel over!