Albert Einstein American physicist most famous for his theory of relativity. Einstein had learning disabilities and did very poorly in school. Stephen Hawking British physicist noted for his study of cosmology and the “big bang” theory, and author of the popular A Brief History of Time (1988). He has an extreme physical disability and communicates with the aid of a computer. Thomas Edison American inventor – one of the greatest and most productive of his time. He spent only three months of his entire life in school. He was hearing impaired and may have been dyslexic. Johnannes Kepler 17th-century German astronomer and mathematician. It’s Kepler’s Laws that describe the revolutions of planets around the sun. He was sight impaired. Bill Gates Famed founder of Microsoft and one of the wealthiest people in the U.S. He has dyslexia. What do your kids think? Ask your kids if they can think of any famous people who have high logical/mathematical intelligence. Start them off with a few familiar names:

Source: Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom by Thomas Armstrong (ASCD 1994)