Don’t throw in the towel if you don’t like some of the reduced-fat items; different brands have different tastes. Just try another brand or version the next time you shop. Another thing to keep in mind is that some of the “fat-free” dairy is literally “taste-free.” (Some brands even resemble plastic.) You don’t have to suffer with the fat-free if you can’t stand the taste; low-fat is fine, with a mere 3–5 extra grams of fat. Here’s your low-fat dairy shopping list. Browse through the section and pick out the items that sound appealing:

Nonfat dry milk Skim milk (no fat) Evaporated skim milk 1% low-fat milk Buttermilk Nonfat yogurts (plain and flavored) Low-fat yogurts (plain and flavored) Nonfat varieties of all cheese Low-fat varieties of all cheese Part-skim varieties of all cheese Reduced-fat cream cheese Dry-curd cottage cheese Low-fat cottage cheese Reduced-fat sour cream Low-fat/nonfat ice creams Low-fat/nonfat frozen yogurts