Whether you’re looking to get involved in giving back to future and current generations or just want to learn more about what kind of charities are dedicated to the health of infants and women, here is a list of the top organizations:  In addition to helping feed starving children, UNICEF helps kids have the right to be kids. They work to provide children with some sense of “normalcy” through toys, play, and safe spaces. Donate a meal, volunteer, or become an advocate and start helping today. Cleft repair surgery is simple and the transformation is immediate.Smile Train’s sustainable model provides training, funding, and resources to empower local doctors in over 70+ countries to provide 100% free cleft repair surgery and comprehensive cleft care in their own communities. To date, Smile Train has provided more than 1.5+ million children with life-changing surgeries. Donate online or learn about the other ways to get involved on their site. Their scope is broad, but they do significant work for women, mothers, and children, as they are most at-risk in developing countries. They realize that no family can be healthy financially if they are not first healthy physically—and that almost always starts with the mother. Educate yourself on the impact of maternal morbidity or get involved with a gift sponsorship.  The National Partnership for Women & Families is a nonprofit, nonpartisan 501(c)(3) organization that works on several initiatives to help mothers and children, including a push for national maternity and parental leave for everyone. Donate, get involved, or just educate yourself on the impact of a lack of maternity leave. Postpartum Support International (PSI) is the world’s leading non-profit organization dedicated to assisting mothers suffering from pregnant or perinatal and postnatal mood disorders, which includes postpartum depression and so much more. They offer training, resources, and active help to these women. You can donate to PSI, become a member, find a training event, attend their annual conference, or find help if you are a mother in need.  The charity points out that the work they do is about so much more than “just diapers”—it affects everything. For example, parents and caregivers may not be able to send their children to childcare without a diaper. This, in turn, can bring down the family’s ability to attend school or work. Get involved or donate a diaper today.   This organization is especially focused on the issue of prematurity. They do a lot of education and research on prematurity prevention and solving medical issues for infants born prematurely. Donate to the March of Dimes or get involved through volunteer opportunities that you can do with the whole family. There is a search tool on their website to find an event near you.  The Save the Babies Through Screening Foundation’s goal is to see that every baby born in the U.S. is screened successfully, effectively, and comprehensively. Check your state’s current screening guidelines, advocate for more awareness, donate, or attend an event to get involved.