Reference books Drawing supplies

How would you like to turn your living room into a lecture hall and host some of the greatest thinkers—within your family, that is—at the drop of a hat? You can easily transform your child, and other family members, into experts on topics of their choice or subjects that you select (for example, the Declaration of Independence, state capitals, multiplying fractions, prehistoric animals, parts of speech, and the like) by letting each participant study related information in encyclopedias, textbooks, atlases, and whatever other reference books you have available for a predetermined length of time (say, fifteen minutes). Speakers might want to also prepare visual materials (charts, drawings, and so on) to enhance their talks. When your family members are ready, let the lectures begin. You or another participant can act as moderator, introducing each guest speaker and his or her topic. Lecturers might also conduct question- and-answer sessions after their speeches and further research any particularly interesting areas. So, how will your child’s theory that tyrannosaurus rex really evolved from the ancient cockroach go over in your family’s distinguished lecture hall?