Your time only

Imagine if dogs, cats, hamsters, and other animals could explain the purpose of humans. Why do they act as they do? Here are some categories to think about. Definitions: How would pets define humans? A cat might define “human” as a being that can use a can opener and serve as a sleeping platform. The dog might describe humans as a being that can spell WA-L-K. What about some other creatures? Behaviors: How would a cat, dog, squirrel, or bird explain human laughter or anger? A game of baseball, golf, or checkers? Physical traits: What purpose would a pet ascribe to ticklishness? To snoring? Human pastimes: What purpose would an animal give to singing? How about going to a concert? Or… watching television?! Who knows? By considering how our furry or fine-feathered friends regard us, we might learn a thing or two about what makes us tick.